Typical Thursday

Hello all! My apologies for not posting last week, but I did double posts the week prior so don’t get too mad Christine! A typically busy Thursday for me as we had a joint session of Public Organizations Management and I attended an information session with Govloop founder Steve Ressler. For those who do not know, Govloop is the “facebook for the public sector.” It currently has around 60,000 members that work in local, state, and federal government. The site also boasts many professionals and students with interests in government perspectives. It was great to meet Steve and hear him talk about how to get into government work and how Govloop evolved from a hobby to a job. Very Inspiring!

Switching gears a bit, a few of us at Maxwell have been participating in Movember. Movember is a campaign to raise money for prostate, testicular, and other men’s cancers while encouraging members to grow mustaches. Frankly, it has been quite the experiment since I thought my mother would make me shave it over Thanksgiving and that I would not be able to grow a mustache. However, I am pleasantly suprised with both results. We are having a big party tomorrow night to celebrate all the money we have raised, and, of course, our ‘staches! It should be a very fun night. If you would like to donate to the Maxwell team you can do so here until Dec. 9th!

Tomorrow is also a BIG game for the basketball team. Well, not that big, but the biggest game of the year thus far as we play Arkansas at 8:30 tomorrow night. I am definitely hoping for another banner year for the Orange as we return a lot of our core players from last year and it will be the last year we will be in the BIG EAST. While we are on the subject, a big shout out to the SU soccer team as they went to their first NCAA tournament since 1985 then went on to win their first and then second games ever in the NCAA tournament. I went to a couple of games this season and it is great to see them do so well. Finally, congrats to the mens cross country team for winning the BIG EAST championship and coming in 15th at the NCAA championships. Enjoy your weekend and G’Orange!